Saturday, January 14, 2012

November 5 2011- Today I took a home pregnancy test. Well it looks like we are going to be parents again.

November 7 2011- Today I took a trip to the local ER. I have been cramping a lot and was worried about that, pulse i can get another oppion on my test. Turns out I am pregnant. My HCG levels are 216, but when they did an ultrasound the seen nothing. I have to have my blood drawn in 48 hours again and see what my HCG levels are then. They are worried this may be an etopic pregnancy. Fingers crossed everything goes ok.

November 9 2011- Today I went to the dr. and had my blood drawn again. Ill find out my HCG levels tomorrow. And in 48 hours I have to go back again and get blood drawn again.

November 10 2011- Today i got my blood results back. My HCG levels went from 216 to 491 in less than 48 hours. So that’s i good I guess it is  to double every 48 hours and mine defiantly doubled.

November 11 2011- Went in to get my blood drawn again. Wont find out what the results are till Monday. I hate to wait.

November 14 2011- Today I called the dr. to get my test results. My HCG level defiantly increased. It went from 491 to 2099 in 48 hours.... Id say its more than doubling.

November 17 2011- Today we go in for an ultrasound. Hopefully today well find out that we do not have an etopic pregnancy but a viable pregnancy in utro.  We defiantly found out we are pregnant. We are actually pregnant with triplets. That may explain why my HCG levels were more than doubling. We are in shock... I can not believe we are going to have triplets.

November 28 2011- Today I left work early. I started bleeding. Not a good sign when your pregnant. I went to the local ER. The first thing they did was an ultrasound. I couldn't believe my eyes. There they were 3 little beating hearts. I am so relived.

November 30 2011- Today I meet with my dr. that delivered Brooklynn. He is going to deal with the triplets pregnancy. We had an ultrasound done today. All the babies are measuring 7 weeks and a few days. They all 3 have a strong heart beat. But It seems that I may have a blood clot right above baby c.  So the  dr. is going to keep an eye on it. I go back in two weeks for another ultrasound. I did find out today that between 12-14 weeks i have to have a sugary don’t to stitch my cervix closed. This is going to help keep me from dilating too soon or going into premature labor. So well see.

December 14 2011- Today I go back to the dr. for another ultrasound. I’m excited to see how much they have all grown. My apt. was canceled at the last min. It was re scheduled for Monday. December 19 @ 9:00am So well see how they are doing.

December 19 2011- Today I went for another ultrasound. All three babies have grown a lot. All 3 are moving all over the place. Everything looks good the dr. said. All 3 babies have a strong heartbeat. : ) I do have 2 blood clots in there and that’s seems to be the reason I am bleeding like I am. He said this should stop soon. So well see. I go back in 3 weeks for another ultrasound and blood work.

January 11, 2012 - Today I went for my first real dr. apt and another ultrasound. Got all my blood work done. I have gained 4 pounds in the time I have been pregnant. All 3 babies are doing very well. Baby A they think is a boy. But we are not totally 100% sure. I have my sugary next Friday Jan. 20, 2012. I’m nervous but ill be glad when it is done. After it i wont be able to go back to work. I didn't expect that.  MY next dr. apt is Jan. 25.